How We Are Making the Change
Supportive Services
Provide a comprehensive range of supportive services to support independent living skills development and long-term housing stability for youth experiencing housing instability
- Enhance mental health support services for youth being served by the homeless services system
- Increase opportunities for employment training and job opportunities for youth being served by the homeless services system
- Support educational success and enhance educational opportunities for youth being served by the homeless services system
- Support independent living skills development opportunities for youth
Continuum of Housing Services
Create a robust continuum of youth-centric solutions for young people experiencing housing instability, including emergency and long-term housing options
- Increase number of youth designated housing beds
- Research innovative housing models in order to fill gaps in continuum of services and expand array of resources
- Improve the quality of services youth receive through all phases of the housing process (from the front door and throughout the continuum), by equipping staff with tools and training
- Create and maintain a user-friendly, transparent housing inventory
Prevention of Youth Homelessness
Prevent youth from experiencing homelessness through improved policy and practice, and enhanced resource allocation, with a focus on youth exiting systems (schools, child welfare, justice)
- Improve transition planning for youth exiting foster care
- Improve re-entry planning for youth exiting juvenile justice system
- Enhance coordination with Philadelphia schools to identify youth at risk of homelessness
- Create family reunification resources and supports for youth experiencing housing instability